Author Archives: me

Hate breeds hate

Hate breeds hate poem.

10 things you didn’t know about orgasm

Mary Roach describes 10 interesting facts about orgasm.


How to choose peace

A son of a terrorist describes how he chose peace over hate, and how his experience helped him overcome dogmatism and stereotyping.


Photos of same-sex couples

14 photos of (same-sex) couples in love. Click here.

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The 6 Biblical references to same-sex behaviour

A clear explanation and discussion of the 6 references to same-sex behaviour in the Bible.

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Human trafficking

A survivor of human trafficking writes and performs a poem about sex slavery.

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What marriage means to a 3 year-old

A 3 year-old discusses what marriage is: Loving each other (no matter what the gender).

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The importance of appearances

Two people fall on the pavement. They look different. They get different kind of reactions.

Patrick counts down to zero

Patrick recounts his life, counting down to zero, in a family with multiple issues, including alcoholism.

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Gay adoption

Many children are waiting to find a family. Many LGBT individuals are waiting to be able to adopt …

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